Update Post for Thursday, February 29th & Friday, March 1st


Thursday, February 29th

Language TEST 7

Spelling List 22 Trial TEST

ZOOM Lightning Round Bonus Due

Friday, March 1st

Bible Verse Ephesians 6:12 TEST

Spelling List 22 TEST #'s 1-25

Spelling Vocabulary List 22 TEST #'s 1-10

Language TEST 7

Study Guide


Part I. Commas: Add missing commas to sentences.


1.On January 18 2009 my best friend moved to Red Oak Iowa with her parents and brothers.


Part II. Sentences: Fill in the blank by writing F for fragment, RO for run-on sentences, and S for sentences. Correct each run-on sentence with the right punctuation.


____ 1.Standing in the rain at the football game.


Part III. Possessives: Fill in each blank with the correct form of the word in the parentheses.


(James) 1. Is this ________________________ house?


Part IV. More Possessives: Complete the following chart.




Singular           Singular            Plural                Plural    

                     Possessive                                   Possessive

woman         ________         ________        ___________


Part V. Apostrophes: Add the missing apostrophes.



1.      The students desks are arranged in five rows.


Part VI. Underlining, Colons, Hyphens: (1) Read the following sentences for possible errors in the use of underlining or italics, or colons. (2) In the blank write C for correct or I for incorrect. (3) Circle the place in the sentence where the punctuation is missing or where it is placed incorrectly.



_____ 1. At 1:05 each afternoon the fifth graders have physical education class.


Part VII. Usage Review: Write the correct word in the blank.


________ 1. Tyler and Adam have (ate, eaten) their lunch early.


Bonus Section

Part VIII. Original Sentences: Follow directions to compose original sentences. (3 bonus points per correct sentence.


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